20 Answers: Abortion will deepen your understanding of this critical moral issue, and give you the knowledge you need to explain it to others.
The Human-Rights Issue of Our Age
- Is it possible to know when life begins?
- Shouldn’t women be able to control their own bodies?
- What if a pregnant woman’s life is in danger?
- Why don’t pro-lifers spend their energy making life better for people who are already born?
In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Abortion will deepen your understanding of this critical moral issue, and give you the knowledge you need to explain it to others.
The 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, powerful arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
The End of All Things
What happens to us after death?
Does Catholic belief in purgatory contradict Scripture?
Why would an all-loving God condemn people to eternity in hell?
What do the Church and the Bible say I have to do to be saved and go to heaven?
In 20 Answers: Death and Judgment you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more.
The one certainty in life… is death. Whether it’s tomorrow or in a hundred years, all of us are going to pass from this world and go to meet our Maker and Judge. 20 Answers: Death and Judgment looks at the last things that await us, including purgatory, heaven and hell, and the resurrection of our body, as well as the end times and the renewal of all creation.
20 Answers: Faith & Science will clear away misconceptions and help you understand—and explain to your friends and family—the complex but ultimately harmonious relationship between religious and scientific truth.
A False Dilemma of Truth
- Didn’t the Church persecute Galileo?
- Aren’t faith and reason two separate and distinct kinds of truth?
- Why do Christians believe in the biblical creation story when science has disproved it?
- How can the modern world take religions seriously when they oppose scientific advancements like birth control and stem-cell research?
In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Faith & Science will clear away misconceptions and help you understand—and explain to your friends and family—the complex but ultimately harmonious relationship between religious and scientific truth.
“I Am Who I Am”
- Who…or What…is God?
- Does the universe provide clues to God’s existence?
- Why would a loving all-powerful God permit suffering in the world?
- What are some reasons to believe in the Trinitarian God of the Christian Bible?
In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: God guides you down a path of rational inquiry and understanding toward an encounter with the central mystery of the universe.
Inside the Watchtower
- Who are the Jehovah’s Witnesses and what do they believe?
- How do you respond to their claims that God isn’t a Trinity and Jesus isn’t divine?
- What do the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach about Jesus’ return and the world to come?
- What’s the best way to evangelize Jehovah’s Witnesses when they come knocking on my door?
In 20 Answers: Jehovah’s Witnesses you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Jehovah’s Witnesses looks beyond the colorful tracts and pleasant promises of this quasi-Christian sect to reveal its origins, beliefs, and practices. And it gives you the knowledge you need to respond to friends, families, and missionaries who try to steer you away from the Church and into Kingdom Hall.
Another Testament of Jesus?
- What are the origins and teachings of Mormonism?
- What do Mormons believe about God, Jesus, and the afterlife?
- What is the book of Mormon and how does it compare with the Bible?
- How can I respond to Mormon missionaries when they show up at my door to convert me?
In 20 Answers: Mormonism you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Mormonism takes an inside look at the beliefs and practices of this fast-growing religion. Everyone has been visited by Mormons, but most of us don’t fully understand their sometimes-mysterious doctrines and traditions. Look here for the answers you’ll need the next time they ring your doorbell.
God’s Written Word
- What does it mean to say that Scripture is “inspired”?
- Why don’t Catholics believe that the Bible is the sole rule of faith?
- Do Christians have to follow all the strange and archaic laws found in the Old Testament?
- How can we accept that Scripture is inerrant when it contains thousands of contradictions and says things that conflict with science and history?
In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. Catholics are sometimes accused of ignoring the Bible, but we believe that God gave us his inspired word in Sacred Scripture to teach, guide, and edify us. 20 Answers: The Bible offers a truly Catholic perspective on Scripture, showing how it harmonizes with God’s revelation in Sacred Tradition and with the teaching authority of the Church. It also takes on challenges from skeptics, giving you the knowledge you need to answer those who say the Bible is too old, too incoherent, or too fantastic to believe.
The Pillar And Foundation Of Truth
- What is the Church?
- Why do Catholics have to go to church every Sunday?
- Is the Church infallible?
- Did the Catholic Church emerge from paganism in the 4th Century?
In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. There are thousands of Christian denominations in existence—What makes the Catholic Church different? 20 Answers: The Church answers the most common questions asked about the Church and shows how God’s plan to gather his family into one covenant finds its fulfillment in Christ’s Church.
The Bread of Life
- How do non-Catholic views of the Eucharist differ from the Catholic belief?
- If the Eucharist contains the physical presence of Christ’s body and blood, doesn’t that mean Catholics who eat it are cannibals
- Is the Bread of Life discourse in John 6 evidence for the Real Presence?
- What did the early Church Fathers believe about the Eucharist?
In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: The Eucharist will help you understand the main arguments for and against the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
The Man. The Myth?
- Did Jesus even exist?
- How can we trust what the Bible says about him?
- Didn’t Jesus’ followers invent a lot of myths about him based on stories of pagan gods?
- Did the Catholic Church suppress biblical books that depicted Jesus as a simple wise man who was married and didn’t die on a cross or rise from the dead?
In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: The Real Jesus takes on the claims of modern skeptics about Jesus’ life, his teaching, and his legacy, providing compelling evidence that the “historical Jesus” and the “Christ of faith” are one and the same.